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ประกายทิพย์ พิชัย
ชษาพิมพ์ สัมมา
วาสนา ดวงใจ
ผกาทิพย์ สุระบุตร
ศลาฆนันท์ หงษ์สวัสดิ์



The purposes of this research are to develop a process of boosting moral for youth program using cooperative and team based learning approaches, and to test the comparative experiments in the program effectiveness on cognition of relative moral. Qualified 150 youths, on the voluntarily basis, participated in the study. The Pre-test and Posttest Design (One - Group) are employed for this investigation. The study comprises 3 main stages: 1) Pre-experimental stage by using a test of cognition of relative moral; 2) Experimental stage in which Process of boosting moral for youth program using cooperative and team based learning approaches; and 3) Post-experimental stage into Pre-experimental. Differences on the average cognition of the sampling population will be then empirically analyzed and compared using a t-test.

The results revealed a statistically significant increase on the average cognition level in the study group during the post-experimental (p < 0.05). It can be concluded that this process potentially leads to a mindset change with a greater understanding on cognition of relative moral. 

Key words:  Boosting Moral, Relative Moral, Cooperative Learning, Team Based Learning

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How to Cite
พิชัย ป., สัมมา ช., ดวงใจ ว., สุระบุตร ผ., & หงษ์สวัสดิ์ ศ. (2018). BOOSTING MORAL FOR YOUTH USING COOPERATIVE AND TEAM BASED LEARNING. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 12(29), 117–126. retrieved from


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