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วิภาวรรณ จันทร์ประชุม
ประสพชัย พสุนนท์



The purpose of this research was to 1) study factors influencing the success of trade association management in the Balanced Scorecard. 2) To analyze the factors affecting the success of the trade association's management following Balanced Scorecard. With the trade association and The research instrument was a questionnaire that developed the questionnaire based on the Balanced Scorecard framework for factor analysis using factor analysis.

The findings are as follows: 1.) Most trade unionists are female, aged between 36-50 years. Graduated in Bachelor degree, members in construction and real estate association, trade union membership in association, and trade union membership of 16 years or more. 2). There are 5 main factors in the management of trade associations. For Strategic Planning. For Service and cluster. For Personal Development and Information Technology. For Activity arrangement the grouping of factors Effect on success in management of trade association The Balanced Scorecard is divided into four groups: 1) Cluster-based trade associations 2) Trade-focused trade associations, 3) Trade associations focused on strategic plans, And 4) Trade associations focused on people. 

Keywords: success, management, trade association, analysis, classification factors

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How to Cite
จันทร์ประชุม ว., & พสุนนท์ ป. (2018). FACTORS AFFECTING SUCCESS IN THE MANAGEMENT OF TRADE ASSOCIATIONS MINISTRY OF COMMERCE BY BALANCED SCORECARD. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 12(29), 107–116. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/trujournal/article/view/148662


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