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สุวิทย์ สลามเต๊ะ



The aims of this research are three-fold: 1) To develop juvenile leadership training curriculum for the juvenile and family court for children and youth to prevent drug addiction; 2) To try out the developed curriculum in a real setting; 3) To improve the curriculum after the tryout.  The sample of this study consists of 30 students at the age of 18 years old or under, who are currently studying in lower secondary schools in the Province of Ayudhya on a voluntary basis.  The tools for data collection consist of: 1) A test of knowledge; 2) An attitude assessment form, and; A curriculum appropriateness validation form.  The main statistics used for data analysis are percentage, means, standard deviation, and Paired Sample t-test.

                 The results of this study are as follows:  1) The development of juvenile leadership training curriculum for the juvenile and family court for children and youth to prevent drug addiction consisted of 10 components of contents, which divided into 4 modules.  They were Module 1: Knowledge and Ability; Module 2: Essential Leadership Qualities; Module 3: The Development of Morality, Ethics, and Public-minded Leadership Development, and Module 4: The Application and Extension of Results.  2.1) After the training, the students improved their knowledge and attitude at the 0.05 level of significance, and 2.2) The result of the curriculum appropriateness validation was at a high level, and 3) There were 2 main improvements: 3.1) The extension of the training period to 3 days to cover all the contents and increase the level of student’s learning achievement, and finally 3.2) More emphasis is placed on participatory behavior among other learning activities in the training curriculum.

Thailand has set up a Strategic Plan for preventing and resolving drug addiction in 2558 -2562 BE. The part of the Strategic Plan is the enhance Immunity to prevent narcotic drugs among Children and Youth not new addicts. The development of the Youth Leadership Training Program of the Juvenile Court is for the prevention of addiction. It is part of the drive for children and young people to be immune efficiently and beneficial to society in general. 

Keyword: Curriculum, Curriculum development, Children and Youth leadership, Drug Prevention, Drug Addiction, the Juvenile and Family Court

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สลามเต๊ะ ส. (2018). THE DEVELOPMENT OF JUVENILE LEADERSHIP TRAINING CURRICULUM OF THE JUVENILE AND FAMILY COURT FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH TO PREVENT DRUG ADDICTION. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 12(29), 93–106. retrieved from


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