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Chanmeardey Chiv
ภัทราวดี มากมี



            The purposes of this study were: 1) to construct personality scale for upper secondary students in an Eastern Economic Corridor school; 2) to verify the construct validity of the scale; 3) to derive norms for the scale by using percentile rank. The samples consisted of 1,208 upper-secondary school students in an Eastern Economic Corridor school, by multi-stage random sampling. The research instrument is personality scale for upper secondary school students in an Eastern Economic Corridor school. Confirmatory Factor Analysis was employed by Mplus.

                The research findings were: 1) The personality scale for upper secondary students in an Eastern Economic Corridor school consisted of 6 factors. The total scale reliability (Cronbach’s alpha) was 0.972.
2) The construct validity of the personality scale for upper secondary students in an Eastern Economic Corridor School was demonstrated by the fit measures resulting from a Confirmatory Factor analysis: χ2 = 259.415,
df = 146, RMSEA = 0.025, CFI = 0.984, TLI = 0.970 and SRMR = 0.027.   3) The norms of personality scale for upper secondary students in an Eastern Economic Corridor School were constructed as 2 levels: high and low.

Keywords: Personality, Confirmatory Factor Analysis, norms, upper secondary students, Eastern Economic Corridor

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How to Cite
Chiv, C., & มากมี ภ. (2018). DEVELOPMENT OF A PERSONALITY SCALE FOR UPPER SECONDARY STUDENTS IN AN EASTERN ECONOMIC CORRIDOR SCHOOL. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 12(29), 71–81. retrieved from


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