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The research aims to: 1) study the risk management model of the integrated private university using Thonburi University as a model 2) Develop a risk management model that can be used in all private educational institutions. 3) Study the value of investment in risk management. The research populations consist of risk experts, administrators, faculty, staff and responsible committees from 3 private higher education institutions during the academic year of 2012-2013. 500 purposive samples from the population of 1200 were selected. Research tool were In-depth interviews and questionnaires and statistic used were Two-way ANOVA and Benefit / Cost ratio analysis.
The results of this research are as follows: 1) Integrated risk management model assessed by risk function of all agencies consist of 1,128 risks. Two risk report models were commonly used in private universities. 2) A development for effective comprehensive risk management model needs 5 additional report forms. 3) Value for investment in risk management has Benefit / Cost ratio of 1.25, so it is worth investing.
Keywords: Integrated Risk Management Model, Private Higher Education Institutions, Risk level
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