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The purposes of this research are to 1) analyze the influence of motivation factors which include the motivating and Hygiene factors, related to the operational behaviors, and the interests in the work and the organization and 2) develop a model of the relationships between motivation factors and the operational behaviors, and the interests in the work and the organization of operational level, in the Generation Y, in the Northern Region Industrial Estate of Lamphun. The study is done by simple random search of model group of people consisted of 410 selected Y-generation employees of Northern Region Industrial Estate of Lamphun. The questionnaires were analyzed using LISREL. Two types of data analysis have been performed which are descriptive and SEM.
The result showed that the motivation factors have direct positive influence on operational behaviors and the hygiene factors have direct positive influence on the interest of working and in the organization, with the significant level at 0.01. The research findings indicate that the modified human resource management policies based on the relationship model in the continuation of future plan for the operational level of Y’s Generation employees, must aim to provide the various motivative activities. Having behavior in the right direction should focus on motivation factors. Motivation to have an interest in working and in the organization, should focus on hygiene factors such as a reasonable salary and benefits, a job security and a good relationship with colleagues and supervisors.
Keywords: Operational Behaviors, Human Capital Management, Y-generation Employees, Hygiene Factors, Motivating Factors
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