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ลิขิตา เฉลิมพลโยธิน
วิโรจน์ เจษฎาลักษณ์



The purpose of this research is to 1) study job characteristics were positively influences to career commitment 2) study quality of working life were positively influences to career commitment 3) study career commitment were positively influences to employee attributes desired by the modern organization and 4) study employee attributes desired by the modern organization were positively influences to service excellence.  Data were collected from 280 hotel employees in Hua Hin district in 2016. The sample was sampled using the Taro Yamane and included 150 persons. The instrument was a questionnaire. The data were analyzed by using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, pearson's correlation coefficient, regression analysis and multiple regression analysis. The results indicated that job characteristics and quality of working life influences to career commitment. The results also shown that the affective commitment had a mediating effect on the relationship between job characteristics, quality of working and employee attributes desired by the modern organization, service excellence. The results of this research used to develop a hotel in Hua Hin to excellent service in the future. Finally, the implication of the finding and suggestions for future research are presented.

 Keyword: Job characteristics, Quality of working life, Service excellence, Career commitment

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How to Cite
เฉลิมพลโยธิน ล., & เจษฎาลักษณ์ ว. (2018). THE INFLUENCES OF JOB CHARACTERISTICS AND QUALITY OF WORKING LIFE TO SERVICE EXCELLENCE BY CAREER COMMITMENT OF HOTEL CLERK IN HUA HIN DISTRICT. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 12(29), 241–253. retrieved from


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