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กฤษณพงศ์ เลิศบำรุงชัย
ปณิตา วรรณพิรุณ



            This research aimed to (1) develop the connectivist digital learning model via cloud technology to enhance creative media innovation construction and (2) evaluate the Learning model. Research Methodologies were to (1) studied documents and related research, (2) designed the Learning Model, (3) presented the Learning Model and checked by advisors, (4) created the assessment for suitability of the Learning model, (5) evaluated the Learning model by experts and (6) analyzed the suitability of the Learning Model. The sample group is seven experts by purposive sampling, 4 experts in education and 3 experts in information and communication technology. The statistics used in this study were average and standard deviation. The research found that the synthesised Learning model is called “PPAC Model”, had 4 elements: first element, Plan, includes (1) Connectivist Digital Learning Environment (CDLE) (2) Media and Content (3) Instructor and Learner and (4) Objective. Second element, Process, includes (1) Orientation (2) Connectivist Digital Learning: (2.1) step of learning (2.2) step of find a knowledge (2.3) step of create creative media (2.4) step of discover a problems (2.5) step of find solution to solve problems and (2.6) step of discover solving problems and (3) Assessment. Third Element, Achievement, and Forth element Creative Media Innovation. The suitability evaluated of the PPAC model from the 7 experts, at the highest level (Mean = 4.70, S.D. = 0.63)

 Keywords: Cloud Technology, Connectivist, Digital Learning, Media Innovation Construction

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เลิศบำรุงชัย ก., & วรรณพิรุณ ป. (2018). CONNECTIVIST DIGITAL LEARNING MODEL VIA CLOUD TECHNOLOGY TO ENHANCE CREATIVE MEDIA INNOVATION CONSTRUCTION. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 12(29), 221–228. retrieved from


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