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ชิน จินตประยูร
ยุทธ ไกยวรรณ์
สมสุข แขมคำ



This research is aimed to be: 1) studied the composition of the Model in Technology Management in Health Tourism Industry for Elderly.  2) Develop the Model of Technology Management in Health Tourism Industry for Elderly. 3) Evaluate the Model of Technology Management in Health Tourism Industry for Elderly and 4) monitoring and evaluation of customer satisfaction of Technology management in Health Tourism Industry for Elderly. These tourist attractive places are in an experimental unit test. The example used in specific approach data analysis by sampling of 318 people. The instrument used in this study was questionnaire about Five-level Rating Scale. The Questionnaire with the reliability of 0.91, the statistics used for data analysis were percentage, mean, average, the standard deviation and factor analysis

The research results were as follows: The Model of Technology Management in Health Tourism Industry for Elderly was found Three source of tourism resources which start with: 1) The Religious & Cultural approach relaxation place which is Temple or Sanctuary is composed of three types of technology categories which are: Safety Aid accessories or device for Walking, Presentation or Introducing tools and equipments for History description and emergency call equipment. 2) The relaxation of the massage place (Spa) consists of three technology categories: The atmosphere on site massage (Fabricated by using various technological applications), Emergency call system and The environmental on site massages (Fabricated by using various technological applications). 3) Resort type in relaxing accommodation consists of three categories: the atmosphere in the area (Fabricated by using various technological applications), emergency call systems and the environment in the area (Fabricated by using various technological applications). And the above result will be the fundamental needed for improving the Tourism Industry for Elderly accordingly.

The results of this research, the government agencies and the private sector can be applied to the integrated management of health tourism for the elderly. As well as can be the guide line for business development in health tourism for the elderly in order to formulate the strategy to be a high performance organization with efficiency and effectiveness and create the competitive advantage to the business in the future.

 Keywords: Model, Tourism, Health, Elderly.

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How to Cite
จินตประยูร ช., ไกยวรรณ์ ย., & แขมคำ ส. (2018). MODEL OF TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT IN HEALTH TOURISM INDUSTRY FOR ELDERLY. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 12(29), 210–220. retrieved from


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Translated Thai References
Ministry of Tourism and Sports (2011). Problems and Tourism Situation. Retrieved September 10, 2560, from (in Thai)