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สุภาณี อินทน์จันทน์



                This research studied the relationships between 3 accounting methods, namely: Inventory Valuation, Depreciation Calculation, and Income Realization,  and financial strengths based on 15 financial ratios.  The in-depth interviews with 18 SMEs owners; 7 sales enterprises, 7 production enterprises, and 4 service enterprises indicated that SMEs used accounting methods as suggested by the accounting firms and the Provincial Office of Revenue. Tests of differences in number of SMEs selecting accounting methods indicated that all of the SMEs in the interviews used the Straight-Line method for their depreciation calculation because of its simple caculation and no additional document was needed. The numbers of SMEs using the methods of Inventory Valuation and Income Realization had no statistically difference at 0.05 level of confidnece. Analyses of relationships between accounting methods and financial strengths indicated that the methods of Inventory Valuation and the methods of Income Realization were statistical significantly associated with Liquidity Financial Strength. The SMEs using the Average method of Inventory Valuation had higher levels of liquidity than the SMEs using other methods. The SMEs using the First-In, First-out method of Inventory Valuation had lower levels of liquidity than the SMEs using other methods. The SMEs using the Accrual method of Income Realization had higher levels of liquidity than the SMEs using other methods. Other accounting methods showed no significant statistical association with any other financial strengths. Overall result of this research indicated that accounting methods had relationships with financial strengths.

 Keywords: Accounting Policy, Accounting Method, Financial Ratio, Financial Strenght, SMEs

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How to Cite
อินทน์จันทน์ ส. (2018). RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN ACCOUNTING METHODS AND FINANCIAL STRENGTH: A CASE STUDY OF OF SMALL AND MEDIUM SIZED ENTERPRISES IN NAKHON PATHOM PROVINCE. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 12(29), 159–171. Retrieved from


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