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ลัดดาวัลย์ สำราญ
สุรชัย เอมอักษร
ศศินันท์ ศาสตร์สาระ
โสรยา สุภาผล



             The purpose of this research were 1) to study the opinion level of career advancement and career stability factor for the caregiver, 2) to study the opinion level of factors that influencing to career advancement and career stability factor including with personal factor, organizational factor, operational factor, and quality of work factor, and 3) to determine the factors that affecting to career advancement and career stability for the caregiver.  The instrument for this study was questionnaires.  The samples were 250 caregivers who were selected by using satisfied random sampling.  For data analysis in descriptive statistics, researchers used mean and standard deviation. In addition, researchers had made a preliminary agreement monitoring by a simple regression analysis.  Then, testing hypothesizes by using Multiple Regression Analysis.  The results showed that the caregiver had opinion level of career advancement and career stability factor in four aspects was high level include: personal factor, operational factor, organizational factor, and quality of work factor in order from high to low. Moreover, hypothesis test results found that organizational factor, personal factor, operational factor, and quality of work factor affected to career advancement and career stability factor for the caregiver.

 Keyword : career advancement, career stability, caregiver

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สำราญ ล., เอมอักษร ส., ศาสตร์สาระ ศ., & สุภาผล โ. (2018). PROMOTING CAREER ADVANCEMENT AND CAREER STABILITY FOR THE CAREGIVER. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 12(29), 119–134. retrieved from


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