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สุภาพร ศรีสัตตรัตน์



            This purpose of this study were to investigate: (1) To evaluate the results of Communication by using various media, the project development and women with disabilitiesnetwork to promote women with disabilities’health. (2) To bring data analysis and proposed the development, bringing communication to communicate and develop the potential of the project and the network women with disabilities to promote health, women with disabilities.

            Target groups in education consist of leader and staff of The Project development and network of women with disabilities to strengthen the health of women with disabilities, network of The Project development and network of women with disabilities to strengthen the health of women with disabilities, committee and consultants of The Project development and network of women with disability to strengthen the health of women with disabilities.

            The findings disclosed as follows that (1) women's development project and network to promote women with disabilities’health. Communication is used to educate, using their training methods. Bring a course about women employed in various forms such as training courses, leadership andnetworking. Training base of ideas and women's conditions. Use public communication by staging the comments to women with disabilities joined. Including the use of online channels such as e-mail facebook(Yanakorn) is a center of communication and education for members of women with disabilities. (2) Project Development Women with Disabilities Network The project is necessary to develop the project. Women with disabilities network and continues to provide space for women with disabilities are trained to apply their knowledge through practical training used to induce change and should improve their knowledge of public communication. Campaign workeven more. Leadership development, communication tools used to benefit and causing potential.

 Keywords: Evaluation, Women with disabilities, Potential, Public communication, Network

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How to Cite
ศรีสัตตรัตน์ ส. (2018). EVALUATION OF COMMUNICATION THE PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND NETWORK OF WOMEN WITH DISABILITIES TO STRENGTHEN THE HEALTH OF WOMEN WITHDISABILITIES. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 12(29), 67–76. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/trujournal/article/view/145156


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