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วนิดา ธนากรกุล



The objectives of this research were to study evaluation of current operations of Golden Jubilee Medical Center in providing its academic services and management process for internship students according to opinions of their supervisors or mentors. It employed in-depth interview in collecting data from 9 supervisorsor mentors of its support units who were working in related tasks at least one year and 4-stage qualitative analysis of King (2004) for data analysis. The results revealed that its current operations in providing academic services to internship students achieved success. All parties involved got benefits especially for the students in getting working experience to be ready for real life before graduating. However, its operations were not systematic to lead some problems and obstacles. These included lack of preparedness for training areas and equipment that did hinder its efficiency and achievement the most; followed with lack of cooperation from educational institutions, low maturity or working skills, non-matching between training and educational background of the students, lack of suitable mentors respectively. For recommendations for improving and development its academic services, these involved serious concentration on systematic planning, creating training manual for internship students, setting an orientation, allocating sufficient areas, and necessary equipment to ready for all internship students.Key performance indicators and periodic evaluation were also related.

 Keywords: Golden Jubilee Medical Center, Academic Services, Internship Students, Evaluation

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How to Cite
ธนากรกุล ว. (2018). EVALUATION OF ACADEMIC SERVICE PROVISION FOR INTERNSHIP STUDENTS AT GOLDEN JUBILEE MEDICAL CENTER. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 12(29), 56–65. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/trujournal/article/view/145150


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