Main Article Content
The research was aimed at studying (1) the common characteristics of new startup to Thailand 4.0 and
(2) the opinion levels of modern marketing management and success in the modern marketing management. The research tool was questionnaires collected from 817 startup entrepreneurs registered as technology business by Trade Business Development Department. The data was statistically analyzed by SPSS version 16.0 software package for statistical values of frequency distribution, percentage, arithmetic means and standard deviation. The research results found that the samples were identified as digital, internet, artificial intelligence and embedded technology (24.7%), business registration form of enterprise (65.4%) and ownership share of non-affiliated relatives partners (39.2%), averaging 5 personnel in organization employment, located in rural (36.0%). In case of the modern marketing management’s opinion for new startup entrepreneur to Thailand 4.0 was overall at a medium level
( =3.32) in marketing management (
=3.38) and technological operation (
=3.27) respectively and the success of modern marketing management was overall at a medium level (
=3.37) as well as success in modern marketing management was high in physical evidence (
= 3.49) and cost efficiency (
= 3.44) respectively.
Keywords: Success in Modern Marketing, New Startup, Thailand 4.0
Article Details
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