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สมนึก เอื้อจิระพงษ์พันธ์
กนกวรรณ มีสุข
อรทัย เถาจู



                 The purposes of the research were to 1) Study the management of personal finance among the University of Technology Srivijaya’ staff 2) Study the financially distressed of the staffs 3) Study the relationship of personal information with personal financial management and the staff’s satisfaction with financial matters and 4) Study the relationship of personal financial management with the staff’s satisfaction with financial matters.  The samples were taken from staff members of Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya by using a proportional sampling method for 400 samplings. One year is between January 2017 and January 2018. The research instrument was a questionnaire. The statistics used were frequency, percentage and chi-square statistics at 0.05 confidence level.

The results of this research were 1) Type of person and status is correlated with current asset acquisition or holding plan and future debt consolidation. Category of personnel relates to the purchase or possession of future assets and the time period in which savings or investment goals are achieved. Division of personnel associated with the debt. Level education is correlated with the amount of debt repayment each month. Status is related to the expected future plans indebtedness under the area is associated with a form of savings or investments at present. Age is related to saving or investing for the future. Marital status was associated with a reduction of the tax burden today, monthly income and who are in the care of a relative of the current tax base. Sex, education and monthly income is associated with the plans are tax deductible in the future. Age and categories of personnel are in relation to the source of savings for retirement. Metropolitan area is correlated with the rate of return for savings for retirement.  (2) Types of personnel associated with the repayment of debt. Status is associated with the repayment schedule Study Link. Division of personnel associated with the savings each month. Type of personnel and personnel associated with the remuneration received each month compared to the total expense. (3) Planning to buy or current assets and liabilities associated with the repayment of debt. The debt amount collected in the future, saving for retirement is related to the repayment schedule. Debt is in relation to savings each month. And liabilities and the amounts expected to be used to pay retiree per month in relation to remuneration received each month compared to the total expense.

 Key words: Personal  Finance,  happiness, Finance happiness

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How to Cite
เอื้อจิระพงษ์พันธ์ ส., มีสุข ก., & เถาจู อ. (2018). PERSONAL FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT AND FINANCIAL HAPPINESS OF PERASONNEL RAJAMANGALAUNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY SRIVIJAYA. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 12(29), 34–44. retrieved from


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