Developing Mindfulness to Manage Stress
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This academic article presents outcomes were revealed that stress is a state of physical and mental stress that causes suffering. It can be classified into two categories: physical stress and mental stress which originating from inside i.e. mind and external such as society, environment, four requisites, working, obligation, family, adjusting, poor relations, and so forth. The state of stress in society from external environment consisting of something that is the impact of external and internal conditions i.e. mind and behavior. The problems caused by stress are divided into four parts: 1) the physical stress, that is, a stress affects the body such as nerves, cardiovascular, stomach etc. 2) Emotional stress such as anxiety, depression, anger, aggression, insomnia, etc. 3) mental stress such as negative thinking, imagining, short-tempered and so on. And 4) behavior stress, namely, aggressive or risky behavior such as taking sedative routinely, etc.
The troubleshooting guidelines suggest to apply Satipatthāna IV (setting up of mindfulness), that is, 1) Kāyānupassanāsatipatthāna is mindfulness as regards breathing practicing with main and sub postures, practicing mindfulness with considering sewage and considering elements in the body, 2) Vedanānupassanāsatipaṭṭhāna is mindfulness as regards feelings that stress is just a symptom that appears not yourself who get stressed, 3) Cittānupassanāsatipaṭṭhāna is mindfulness as regards mental states, when stress occurs, set out the nature of the mental stress, it is not yourself who become stressed, and 4) Dhammānupassanāsatipaṭṭhāna is a practice based on the Dhamma, contemplating mental stress as a Dhamma situation occurred transience, suffering, and soulless. Stress is a Dhamma state, not yourself who suffer from stress. Whenever people practice mindfulness according to Satipaṭṭhāna IV will definitely be able to find the solution for their problems both.
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