A Study the Current Status and Desired Conditions of Digital Competencies for Teaching Management Among Teachers Affiliated with the Bueng Kan Primary Educational Service Area Office
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The objective of this research article is to study the current status and desired conditions of digital competencies for teaching management among teachers affiliated with the Bueng Kan Primary Educational Service Area Office. The researcher conducted a study on the current status and desired conditions of digital competencies for teaching management among civil servant teachers in primary schools under the Bueng Kan Primary Educational Service Area Office for the 2023 academic year. The population consisted of 2,027 teachers from 212 schools. The research instrument was a 5-level Likert scale questionnaire. The reliability coefficients for the current status and desired conditions questionnaires were both 0.99. Data were analyzed using statistical software to determine frequencies, percentages, means, standard deviations, and necessary requirements.
The findings revealed that the current status of digital competencies for teaching management among teachers affiliated with the Bueng Kan Primary Educational Service Area Office was generally at a low level, while the desired status was at a high level. The essential needs for digital competencies for teaching management among these teachers included the area of instructional planning (PNI modified = 0.75)
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