21st Century Administrative Skills of School Administrators Under the Songkhla Provincial Office of Learning Encouragement
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This research aimed to study and compare the 21st-century administrative skills of school administrators under the Songkhla Provincial Office of Learning Encouragement classified by gender, work experience, and the characteristics of the areas of the schools. The sample size, determined using the G* Power program, consisted of 252 teachers and educational personnel. Then, they were selected through simple random sampling based on the proportion of area characteristics of schools. The instrument used was a 5-level rating scale questionnaire with content validity values ranging from 0.67 to 1.00, and reliability values equal to 0.985. The statistics used included percentages, mean, standard deviation, independent t-test statistics, and F-test statistics.
The research found that:
- Overall, the 21st-century administrative skills of school administrators under the Songkhla Provincial Office of Learning Encouragement were at a high level.
- Overall, the comparison of the 21st-century administrative skills of school administrators under the Songkhla Provincial Office of Learning Encouragement when classified by gender, work experience, and the area characteristics of schools showed statistically significant differences at the .05, .01, and .01 levels.
- The results of analyzing the recommendations and guidelines for developing the 21st-century administrative skills of school administrators under the Songkhla Provincial Office of Learning Encouragement included the following important issues: 1) The school administrators should have a broad vision to keep up with changes in the present era. They should also have knowledge, abilities, clear policies, etc., 2) The school administrators should consider equality when treating subordinates, involve the community in determining strategies for driving the schools by building consensus with the community, etc., 3) The school administrators should divide work into categories to match the personnel’s aptitudes or abilities and define the roles and responsibilities of personnel clearly and systematically etc., 4) The school administrators should promote and support classroom management that facilitates learning, use technologies to organize teaching and learning, etc., 5) The school administrators should be merciful, self-sacrificing, accept others’ opinions, etc.
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