Virtual Technological Management, Production of New Year's Prints in Tantou City, China

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Yang ShengGen
Manat Kaewbucha
Pichai Sodphiban


Virtual technological management, production of New Year's prints In Tantou City, China, there are three research objectives: 1) a systematic review Record and research the production process, technology, theme, materials, artistic characteristics (shape, color, lines) to explore the characteristics of the Tantou New Year pictures. 2) Analysis of images of Tantou New Year Select important values ​​to create virtual images. 3) Set up a digital virtual museum of New Year's Tantou images, organize exhibitions, and disseminate information for the public to learn. A specific selection of Tantou's New Year prints It is work that is vital to protection and inheritance. With the development of the cultural industry By using the continuous progress of science and technology It begins with an analysis of the initial production process of image creation. historical information Patterns that appear in evidence Then analyze, compare and differentiate to evaluate the value of important aspects from 7 specific groups of related populations. The first group of inheritors of cultural heritage The second group is cultural management experts. Third group, academics Group Four: Digital Technology Experts Group Five: Cultural Tourism Administration Organization The sixth group is entrepreneurs and the seventh group is locals and tourists. The results of the research found that the beginning of the production of New Year prints It has value in many ways, is the historical side Aesthetic beauty Usability, materials, and technology use. All are of great practical importance in the cultural and artistic management of New Year Dantou pictures. Leading to a virtual museum It is a new way to disseminate and display culture. and published New Year's Tantou pictures It is a new approach and method for the inheritance and protection of cultural heritage. New Year's prints will sustain this artistic heritage. 

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How to Cite
ShengGen , Y. ., Kaewbucha, M. ., & Sodphiban, P. . (2024). Virtual Technological Management, Production of New Year’s Prints in Tantou City, China . Journal of Graduate Saket Review, 9(2), 290–299. Retrieved from
Research Article


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