The Role of Online Media in Strengthening Democracy in Thai Society in the Digital Age

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Phrakhru Pariyatiworamethi
Porramet sripinyo


            This academic article has the objective To study the role of online media in democratic politics. and the role of online media in strengthening democracy in Thai society,including information technology media that has an effect on strengthening democracy in Thai society in the digital age. It was found that the role of online media and information technology is considered a mechanism for driving the development process. To strengthen democracy in Thai society in the digital age as well as various environmental factors that may have both direct and indirect effects. For the benefit of seeking guidelines for using information technology to play a role in the online media area that will be accessible in various formats. And there is a process of developing and strengthening democracy in Thai society in the digital age that can be driven towards finding ways to strengthen democracy in Thai society in a sustainable way.

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How to Cite
Phrakhruakutarasatatikun, Phrakhru Pariyatiworamethi, & sripinyo , P. (2024). The Role of Online Media in Strengthening Democracy in Thai Society in the Digital Age. Journal of Graduate Saket Review, 9(3), 29–41. retrieved from
Academic Article



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