The Program of Digital Leadership for School Administrators under Khon Kaen Primary Educational Service Area Office 5
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The purposes of this research article were 1) to study the current condition, desired conditions, and necessary needs of Leadership Development in the Digital Era. 2) to create and examine the appropriateness of the Leadership Development in the Digital Era program. 3) to evaluate the feasibility and usefulness of Leadership Development the Digital Era program. The research was divided into 3 phases: Phase 1: Study of the current condition, desired condition, and necessity needs. The sample group consisted of 154 school administrators. The informants consisted of 3 school administrators. The tools used in the research were questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. Phase 2: creation and examination of the appropriateness of the Leadership Development program in the Digital Era, the informants 7 experts through discussion. Phase 3: evaluating the feasibility and usefulness. The informants consisted of 15 school administrators, who had taken in using the program. The tools used in the research include a feasibility and usefulness assessment form. Statistics used in the research were percentage, mean, standard deviation, Priority Needs Index(PNI), Index of discrimination, and Reliability test. The results of the research showed that: 1. Results of the study of components, current conditions, desired conditions, necessity needs, and guidelines for Developing Leadership in the Digital era; 1.1 Components of Leadership Development in the digital era were 1) having a vision in the digital era,2) creating a learning culture in the digital era,3) The professional of Leadership Development in the digital era,4) being a citizen in the digital era. 1.2 current condition overall was at a high level, and 1.3 desirable condition was at the highest level. 2. Results of the suitability assessment by experts. The overall picture is appropriate at the highest level. 3. Results of the evaluation of feasibility and usefulness. Overall, the possibility and usefulness are at the highest level.
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