The Development model For Ethical Leadership Of School Administrators Under Nakhon Ratchasima Primary Educational Service Area Office 3
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The purposes of this research were 1) to study the components, current conditions, desired conditions, and necessary needs of the development model for ethical leadership of school administrators 2) to create and verify the suitability of the framework, and 3) to evaluate the feasibility and usefulness of the model. There are 3 phases of research procedures and methods, consisting of Phase 1: the study of the current condition, desired condition, and necessary needs of the development model for ethical leadership of school administrators 3, Phase 2: Creation and verification of the suitability of the model, and Phase 3: Evaluation of the feasibility and usefulness of the model. The sample group was school administrators. There were 103 administrators. There were 7 experts and a group of 17 informants. The tools used to collect data were a 5-level rating scale, a questionnaire, a semi-structured interview form, and group discussion issues. Statistics used in the data analysis of research were frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The Statistics used in the research were frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation, and Priority Needs Index, qualitative data by using the content analysis method. The results of the research showed that; 1. The development model for ethical leadership of school administrators, there were 5 elements: 1) principles, 2) objectives of the model,3) procedures, 3.1) honesty, 3.2) justice, 3.3) service provider, 3.4) Organizational commitment, 4) evaluation, and 5) conditions for achievement. 2. The current condition of the overall development of ethical leadership among school administrators was at a high level. The desired condition was at the highest level, and the order of needs descending order: honesty. Justice is a service provider and organizational commitment, respectively. 3. The results of verification and evaluation of the suitability of the model found that overall, it was at the highest level. 4. Results of evaluating the feasibility and usefulness of the model for developing ethical leadership for school administrators collected by 17 school administrators. It was feasible and useful at the highest level.
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