Sustainability Management Strategy Integrating Nanyang Cultural Into Product Design For Creative Economy

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Zhou Xiaobu
Pichai Sodphiban


The objectives of this study are: 1) Study and analysis Nanyang local cultural heritage elements, carry forward the inheritance of cultural development. 2) Sythesis of Nanyang local cultural heritage elements provides a new management strategy and indicators for contemporary creative cultural product design. 3) Eatablish a model of management strategy of integrating Nangyang cultural heritage into contemporary product design. 

                    This study is a mixed-method study. The content of the study is the key to the elements of Nanyang cultural heritage - the scope of the study, the research objectives, the artistic analysis, the management strategy, and the management mechanism. The sample size is about 172. The main informants are: three types of relevant experts (designer experts, art protection experts, strategic management experts); tourists, obtained through purposeful sampling methods; instruments used for data collection are computer networks, cameras, cell phones, tape recorders, etc.; statistical data used for data analysis are qualitative and quantitative analysis. 

                    The research results show that: through the research on the sustainable management strategy of integrating Nanyang cultural heritage into the design of creative economy products, it is concluded that : (1)The necessity of sustainable development and management of Nanyang cultural heritage and creative economy product design. (2) Obtain the artistic analysis theory of Nanyang cultural heritage elements and creative economic product design, and construct the evaluation index system.(3) By analyzing the results of Step 1 and Objective 2, it is feasible to construct the artistic management mode and management mechanism of "sustainable management and development of Nanyang cultural heritage and creative economic product design". 

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How to Cite
Xiaobu , Z. ., & Sodphiban , P. . (2024). Sustainability Management Strategy Integrating Nanyang Cultural Into Product Design For Creative Economy . Journal of Graduate Saket Review, 9(2), 300–310. Retrieved from
Research Article


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