The Participation of People in the Preparation of Local Daveloment Plans, Koh Kaew Sub-district Municipality Selaphum District, Roi Et Province
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The objectives of this research were 1) to study the participation of people in the preparation of local development plans, 2) to compare the participation of people in the preparation of local development plans classified by gender, age, education level, and occupations and, 3) to collect suggestions regarding participation in the preparation of the local development plan of Koh Kaew Sub-district Municipality, Selaphum District, Roi Et Province. The sample were 133 people who lived in Koh Kaew Sub-district Municipality Selaphum District, Roi Et Province. The research instrument for collecting the data was the questionnaire, with its reliability value at 0.94. The data collected were analyzed by the computer program, and the statistical devices composed of Frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation. The hypothesis was tested with t-test, F-test and content analysis.
The results showed that:
1) The participation of the people in the preparation of the local development plan, Koh Kaew Subdistrict Municipality, Selaphum District, Roi Et Province as a whole is moderate. 2) The results of the comparison of the participation of people in the preparation of local development plans classified by gender, age, education level and occupation found that there is a participation in the local development plan of the municipality as a whole and each side is not different. 3) Recommendations for the participation of the people in the preparation of local development plan as follows: (1) should give the opportunity for people to monitor and evaluate the implementation of the plan and various projects that have been presented more. (2) should give the opportunity for people to participate in monitoring and review the draft development plan by expressing opinions, supporting or opposing the content of the draft development plan to the plan committee to make more (3) Should allow people to participate in the formulation of plans and projects to meet the needs of the community more
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