Quality of Service Impacting the Operation of Student Support Systems in Schools under the Primary Educational Services Office, Samut Sakhon
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The objectives of this research are to investigate 1) the level of service quality in schools under the Primary Educational Services Office, Samut Sakhon, 2) the level of operation of student support systems in the schools under the Primary Educational Services Office, Samut Sakhon. and 3) the quality of service impacting the operation of student support systems in schools under the Primary Educational Services Office, Samut Sakhon. The stratified random sampling technique selected a sample size of 340 teachers. A questionnaire was used as a research tool. The statistical analyses included percentages, means, standard deviations, and multiple regression analysis.
The findings revealed that: 1) the overall level of service quality in schools under the Primary Educational Services Office, Samut Sakhon, was high. When inspecting in detail, it was found that the highest-rated aspect was confidence-building for service recipients, followed by fairness. The least-rated aspect was trustworthiness. 2) The overall level of operation of student support systems in schools under the Primary Educational Services Office, Samut Sakhon, was also high. When inspecting in detail, it was found that the highest-rated aspect was problem prevention and resolution for students, followed by student screening. The least-rated aspect was getting to know students as individuals. 3) The quality of service significantly impacted the operation of student support systems of schools under the Primary Educational Services Office, Samut Sakhon, at the .01 level, with a correlation coefficient of 0.702.
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