Local Political Culture and People's Political Behavior in Khon Kaen Municipality
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The purposes of this research were: 1) to study the level of local political culture and political behavior of the people in Khon Kaen Municipality; 2) to compare the local
political culture and political behavior of the people in Khon Kaen Municipality; 3) to study the approaches for applying local political culture promotion and the political behavior of the people in Khon Kaen Municipality according to the principles of the Seven Aparihaniyadhamma. This study was carried out by means of mixed-method research using a qualitative research method and a quantitative research method. The sample consisted of 399 people and 10 key informants. The tools used for data collection were a questionnaire and an interview form. Then the data were analyzed using a social science package program and contextual content analysis.
The research results were as follows:
1) The overall level of local political culture and political behavior of the people in Khon Kaen Municipality was at a high level. All aspects were rated at the same level. The highest mean value was seen in the aspect of competitive political culture, followed by
consultative political culture and centralized political culture. The level of political behavior of the people overall was at a high level. Every aspect was at a high level. The aspect of exercising the right to vote was the most followed by the aspect of political behavior according to the principle of the Seven Aparihaniyadhamma, support for political parties, and monitoring political news, respectively.
2) The comparison results showed that the people with a consultative political
culture, competitive political culture, and centralized political culture had different political behaviors with a statistical significance level of 0.05.
3) Guidelines for promoting local political culture and political behavior of the
people in Khon Kaen Municipality are applied according to the 7 principles of
Aparihaniyadhamma, that is, the Election Commission should listen to opinions from the people. There should be an opportunity for people to access political news. Local government organizations should promote the needs of the people. and there is support to apply Buddhist principles in life. To provide maximum benefit to people, communities and society.
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