The development of learning by using 5 practices and mathematical tasks in statistics to promote statistical reasoning skills for grade 7 students
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This research aimed to study the appropriate learning implementation using 5 practices and mathematical tasks and to study the effects of learning implementation using 5 practices and mathematical tasks in statistics on statistical reasoning skills for grade 7 students. The target group is 40 grade 7 students. This research was classroom action research which was 4 cycles. The research tools were 4 lesson plans, reflection form, activity sheets, and
statistical reasoning skills test. Data were analyzed using content analysis and checking for data credibility by triangulation method. The results showed that the learning implementation using 5 practices and mathematical tasks, were 5 steps: Anticipating, Launching, Monitoring, Selecting and Sequencing, and Connecting. There were issues that should be emphasized: 1) Teacher should design mathematical assignments and activity sheets according with teaching content and concept. 2) Teacher should use probing questions for students’ understanding of the problem and encouraging students to apply basic knowledge in reasoning support. 3) Students with incorrect or inaccurate answers/concepts should be ranked first and 4) The learning should be divided into small groups for students to express their opinions before connecting to the concept conclusion for the whole class. In addition, most students have statistical reasoning skills in a very good level. For considering the components of statistical reasoning skills, they were developed in descending order which are representation data, analysis and interpreting, organizing and describing data respectively. Therefore, the appropriate learning implementation using 5 practices and mathematical tasks can develop statistical reasoning skills of students.
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