thai Diagnosis of Mathematical Deficiencies in Three - Dimensional for student in Grade 6 through web application

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Phattaraporn Phanudomsak
Namthip Ongrardwanich


This study aimed to construct and assess the quality of test for diagnosing mathematical deficiencies in three - dimensional geometry of grade 6th students. The 31
participants were grade 6th students studying in a medium-scaled primary school of Phrae province in the second semester of academic year 2022. The research instruments were as follows. 1) An online test for diagnosing mathematical deficiencies, consisting of 4-multiple choice questions concerning 2 mathematical deficiencies: 1. the use of definition, concept, theorem, and formulas which consisted of 25 questions; and 2.computationand mathematical problems, consisting of 25 questions. The test quality was analyzed using web application in order to select the questions and find the passing score. 2) Formal interview was also considered one of the research instruments.
The findings revealed that the index of item-objective congruence of the test for diagnosing mathematical deficiencies was between 0.20 - 1.00 while the value of test
difficulty was between 0.30 – 0.78. The discrimination value was between 0.20 - 0.50 and the test reliability was 0.83. In terms of the passing score, it was found that 50 percent of students had the mathematical deficiencies regarding computation and mathematic problems; and the use of definition, concept, theorem, and formula, respectively. There study were 7 students with mathematical deficiencies in three - dimensional geometry.

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How to Cite
Phanudomsak, P., & Ongrardwanich, N. . (2023). thai Diagnosis of Mathematical Deficiencies in Three - Dimensional for student in Grade 6 through web application. Journal of Graduate Saket Review, 8(2), 130–144. retrieved from
Research Article


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