A Project Evaluation on Math Diamond of Hua Hin Vitthayalai, Prachuapkhirikhan Province
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The purpose of this research is to evaluate the Math Diamond project of Hua Hin Vitthayalai School in Prachuapkhirikhan province by using a mixed-methods approach of quantitative and qualitative research. In case of quantitative data collection, the researchers used the CIPP model of Stufflebeam to evaluate the environmental and input factors, and used the Kirkpatrick model to evaluate the reaction factors. The framework of Krathwohl was used for the psychological assessment. The sample group for the research consisted of 32 participants, including students, teachers, and parents. Data analysis was conducted using
statistical analysis program, including mean and standard deviation. Qualitative data collection was carried out by using structured interviews with 13 teachers and 8 parents. Inductive method was used for content analysis.
The results found that the project context assessment includes the overall evaluation of the environment factor was at the highest level (x̅ = 4.67, S.D. = 0.51), as well as the input factor (x̅ = 4.68, S.D. = 0.45), and reaction factor (x̅ = 4.66, S.D. = 0.49). The project context assessment was higher than the specified criteria at the level of .05 significance. The psychological assessment had the highest average score in the response factor (x̅ = 4.69, S.D. = 0.42), which was consistent with the qualitative data that all teachers and parents were satisfied with the management system and wanted to send students to participate in the competition again. The psychological assessment was higher than the specified criteria at the level of .05 significance.
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