The Adaptation of Buddhists for Buddhist Activities in the Covid-19 Situation Under the New Normal: A Case Study of Ban Sawang Community, Sawang Subdistrict, Phon Thong District, Roi Et Province

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PhraAmpol Muddavo /Pettra
Phrakrupralad Sommai Attasitto, Dr.


The researcher used a qualitative research approach, studying both primary and secondary sources, as well as conducting a field study for interviews. The collected data were analyzed, synthesized, and summarized. The results are found as follows:

          The problems of Buddhist at Ban Sawang Community, Sawang Subdistrict, Phon Thong District, Roi Et Province under the situation of Covid-19 are divided into 4 points which are: 1) Problem of Covid-19 in Ban Sawang Community where there are infected people as well as others who are at risk of contracting the virus; 2) Problem with the way of life of the community that affect the villagers physically and mentally; 3) Problem with Buddhist activities as they are reduced or canceled because the villagers do not attend the temple to make merits; 4) Problem of Covid-19 as it affects the adaptation of Buddhist in carrying out Buddhist activities in Ban Sawang Community. In the situation of Covid-19, community adaptation is divided into five practices: 1) The setup of temperature checkpoints before attending the event; 2) Wearing mask and washing hands; 3) Social distancing; 4) Reducing touch and conversation, refraining from dining together; and 5) Reducing the activity's duration by decreasing the time-consuming ceremonial practice.

          The guidelines for the adaptation of Buddhists for Buddhist activities in the Covid-19 situation under the new normal found that the community adaptation is divided into 4 ways: 1) Prevent oneself by wearing masks, reducing conversation, washing hands and body; 2) Plan ahead in preparing the ritual procedure; 3) Sustaining Buddhist rituals by adapting them to the situation; and 4) Sharing and helping via objects, having a volunteer mindset to cooperate in carrying out activities, sacrificing time, providing suggestions and life guidance.

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How to Cite
Pettra, P., & Attasitto, P. S. . (2023). The Adaptation of Buddhists for Buddhist Activities in the Covid-19 Situation Under the New Normal: A Case Study of Ban Sawang Community, Sawang Subdistrict, Phon Thong District, Roi Et Province. Journal of Graduate Saket Review, 8(1), 192–205. retrieved from
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