Mental strength those admitted in the Field Hospital Roi Et Buddhist College, Thawat Buri District, Roi Et Province

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Sanook Singmart
Suthiphan Arunyawat


The establishment of Sanam Hospital at Roi Et Buddhist College in addition to maintaining the physical strength of the patient maintaining a mental state is also important for those in charge to take into account to give patients the mental strength to be able to cope with difficult situations. which factors in enhancing mental strength for Covid 2019 patients who are admitted to hospital in Sanam Wittayalai Roi Et Hospital there are factors that can make the mental state stronger include: 1) Psychological factors of intrinsic patients include emotional intelligence, motivation, mental immunity. 2) Environmental factors at the time of receiving treatment such as the medical service system Relationships with treatment partners service quality. 3) Supporting factors that occurred while the patient was still receiving treatment, including the use of music therapy. The use of dharma therapy, support, and under the adherence to dharma principles is the trisikkha dharma and the factors mentioned above are considered as a guideline for building mental strength of patients as well.

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How to Cite
Singmart, S., -, P., -, P., & Arunyawat, S. . (2023). Mental strength those admitted in the Field Hospital Roi Et Buddhist College, Thawat Buri District, Roi Et Province. Journal of Graduate Saket Review, 8(1), 1–10. retrieved from
Academic Article



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