The public participation in development plan of Muang Hong municipality Chaturaphak Phiman District Roi et Province
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3) to study the integration of the Sangkhahavatthuthamma. Dharma objects to promote effective public participation in the development plan of Muang Hong Municipality. Roi Et Province.This research study is a combined method research. The sample group in the research consisted of 379 people and analyzed the descriptive statistical data by finding frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation. And inferential statistics by finding the Pearson correlation coefficient. In qualitative research, in-depth interviews were used with 11 key informants/people.
The research results showed that 1) the level of people’s participation in the implementation of the development plan of the Muang Hong Sub district Municipality Chaturaphak Phiman District Roi Et Province according to the principle Overall, it was at a high level x ̅= 3.60. When considering each side, it was found that the resistive side had the highest mean x ̅= 3.61, followed by 3. Atthachariya and 4. Samanattata x ̅= 3.60 the thread with the least average is Piyawaja x ̅= 3.59 (2) The results of the analysis of the relationship between Sangkhahavattadhamma principles and people’s participation in the development plan of Muang Hong Sub district Municipality found that there was a very high positive relationship (R=.961*) There is a statistical significance at the level of 0.00, so the hypothesis is accepted. It was found that participation in the municipality’s development evaluation should bring the four Sangkhahavattadhamma principles to be adapted to be consistent with the concept of participation principles for the preparation of the municipality’s development plan. There is success in terms of efficiency and effectiveness.
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