The Health Walfare Provision of Monk In Loengnoktha District Yasothon Province
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The objectives of this research were 1) to study the level of welfare welfare of monks in Loengnoktha District, Yasothon Province; 2) to study the relationship of Sanghawutthit Dhamma principles and welfare welfare of monks in Loengnoktha District, province. Yasothon and 3) to propose guidelines for providing health welfare for monks in Loengnoktha District, Yasothon Province. Integrated research method with quantitative research The sample consisted of 189 images using Taro Yamane’s formula. The data were analyzed using mean, percentage, standard deviation. and the Pearson correlation coefficient. Qualitative Research Section There were 12 key informants group/person. The data were analyzed by using frequency values and content analysis techniques and writing a descriptive description.
The results showed that
1. The integration of the Sangahavattham Dharma principle and the provision of health services to monks in Loengnoktha District, Yasothon Province, overall, at a moderate level. and appropriate health welfare arrangements for monks in Loengnoktha District, Yasothon Province according to the principles of public health. Overall, it was at a moderate level.
2. The results of the analysis of the Sangahavattham Dharma principle and the provision of appropriate health care services to monks in Loengnoktha District, Yasothon Province found that there was a moderate relationship.
3. Welfare guidelines for monks health welfare in Loengnoktha District, Yasothon Province consisted of alms giving, giving rise to generosity in strengthening, restoring health, preventing disease, and preliminary medical treatment. in promoting the health of sick monks ego Promoting something useful for the sick monks by supporting the Saha Dhammakhi monks Knowledgeable in caring for afflicted monks, On the side of peace Consistently caring for sick monks There is a policy to drive health according to the principles of the National Monastic Health Constitution B.E. 2560
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