The Lesson Learned to reinforce learning process

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นิคม สุวพงษ์


                    The lesson learned, which reinforces the learning process, is an academic paper that illustrates aspect of the student-centered learning approach and thinking process. The lesson learned is also a summary of past work experiences in various angles to show the details of the causes and factors both internal and external which leads to the current results that success and fail by using the methods from the following operations. Firstly, extract the knowledge from experiences that are deeply ingrained from the target groups. Secondly, record the details of operating procedures performance. Lastly, gain the new knowledge during successful and failed operations in order to be a guideline. Which improve performance to be more efficiency, achieves the goals and disseminate the study. Nevertheless, the lesson learned that mentioned in this article is review procedure, summary of the past work experiences in human which illustrate the details or the knowledges both positive and negative aspects lead to self-improvement. Not only do the lesson learned with activities or projects but also the attitude which leads to have a change in behavior known as lesson learned and importantly to strengthen the learning process

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How to Cite
สุวพงษ์ น. (2022). The Lesson Learned to reinforce learning process. Journal of Graduate Saket Review, 7(1), 47–60. retrieved from
Academic Article


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