Transcendental Leadership Based on Buddhism in the Digital Era

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Surasit Kraisin


This article aims to study Transcendental Leadership Based on Buddhism in the Digital Era. The Studies have shown that leaders in the digital era need to understand the direction of organizational change. By adjusting the organization to be able to adapt quickly and make the organization ready to learn new skills all the time.  The transcendental leadership based on Buddhism in the digital era should have the following leadership skills: 1)Highly Effective Team Building 2)Problem Solving 3)Planning Project 4)Performance Monitoring, Communication and Climate set 5) Relationship Building up and  Coaching 6) Social and Decision Making 7) Motivational, Reflective Thinking and Self – Management  8) Technological 9) Pedagogical 10) Emotional Intelligence Administration and Flexibly Adapted to the Situation, by integrating principles of four brahmavihara to lead the organization to change effectively to become an organization that is excellent in management further continue to manage.

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How to Cite
Kraisin, S. . . (2022). Transcendental Leadership Based on Buddhism in the Digital Era. Journal of Graduate Saket Review, 7(1), 25–36. retrieved from
Academic Article


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