People’s Perception and Expectation of Services from Damrongdhama Centre

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Patumrat Meetham
Peerasit Kamnuasilpa


This study aims to examine people’s expectation for Damrongdhama Centre’s services and the needs to maintain Damrongdhama Centre from people’s viewpoint. Moreover, it aims to offer the method to improve public services in the scope of complaints administration
by using mixed methodology between literature review and qualitative research through
in-depth interview with representative sample of people who make their complaints at the Damrongdhama Centre of Mancha Khiri District, Khon Kaen Province between 2 September
BE 2563 and 31 March BE 2564. It is found that 1) People have high expectation for Damrongdhama Centre’s services of complaints solving, justice upholding, convenience, costless services and coordination’s effectiveness with other public agencies. 2) Peoples have a view that Damrongdhama Centre is still in need by the reason of effectiveness to response to people’s needs and problem. 3) The method to improve public services in the scope of complaints administration consist of public relations’s improvement and development, explicit service instructions providing and problem solving procedure informing, faster problem solving and continuously evaluation.

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How to Cite
Meetham, P., & Kamnuasilpa, P. (2022). People’s Perception and Expectation of Services from Damrongdhama Centre. Journal of Graduate Saket Review, 7(1), 115–123. retrieved from
Research Article


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