The development of guidelines for enhancing desirable characteristics of school students Muangklangprachanukul, Secondary Educational Service Area Office, Area 28

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Chanwit Munudom


The development of guidelines for enhancing students 'desirable characteristics, Muangklangprachanukul School, The school has guidelines for enhancing students' desirable characteristics to make students clear. Even more The purpose of this research was to 1) To study inducator of strengthening the desirable characteristics of students in MuangKlangprachanukul School 2)To study the presnt the desirable  conditions of strengthening the  desired  characteristics of students in Muangklangprachanukul School 3) The development of guidelines to enhancing desirable characteristics  of students at Muangklangprachanukul School.The study followed the research methodology and development with the 3 implementation periods. The periods assemble: the 1st period; studying the component and indicator of students desirable characteristics, the 2nd period; studying the school current condition, problem, and condition of students desirable characteristics and the last period, the 3rd; development the strengthening formatting of students desirable characteristics

          The results were as follows :1) Study Theories regarding the components and indicators Enhancing thedesirable characteristics of Students in Muangklangprachanukul School. That 8 dimensions of the 45 indicators : (1) Patriots religious  king 7 indicators (2) honesty 6 indicators. (3) discipline  6 indicators. (4) learning 4 indicators. (5) sufficient 5 indicators. (6) commitment to work 6 indicators. (7) is Thailand’s 7 indicators. And public mind 7 indicators. 2) The need for the development of guidelines for enhancing the desirable haracteristics of students in Muangklangprachanukul School, Order of needs, such as learning honesty commitment to work, etc. 3)To strengthen Guideline desirable characteristics of students students in Muangklangprachanukul School. consists of (1)  the activities of each group learning, (2) though the development of learners, (3) project and (4) enchance desirable Through routine.

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How to Cite
Munudom, C. (2022). The development of guidelines for enhancing desirable characteristics of school students Muangklangprachanukul, Secondary Educational Service Area Office, Area 28. Journal of Graduate Saket Review, 7(1), 103–114. Retrieved from
Research Article


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