The Current, Desired and Need status Development pattern of Ethical Behavior of Personnel in General Buddhist Scripture Schools by Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn in Sisaket Province.

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Phra Choedsak Srijan



This Survey Research was conducted with the purpose of studying the relationship on current, desired and need status as well as studying the development pattern of ethical behavior of personnel in General Buddhist Scripture Schools by Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn in Sisaket Province, Thailand. The researcher conducted the gathering of data proceedings using survey where the population and samples were Phra Pariyattidhamma Schools’ administrators and teachers. The researcher used Stratified Random Sampling totaling 103 personnel in 8 different areas including 1) Faith 2) Commitment 3) Merciful 4) Responsibility 5) Perseverance 6) Honesty 7) Discipline and 8) Sufficiency. The analytical of data conducted using median, standard deviation and PNI modified

The research results were found that:

1) the current status of ethical behavioral development of personnel resulted in ‘High’ where the highest median results were Faith Commitment and the lowest outcomes were Merciful and Responsibility The desired status with the highest result were Discipline followed by Responsibility and Perseverance and the lowest outcome was Commitment and when prioritizing the need, the researcher founded that the highest outcomes were Responsibility follow by Merciful and Perseverance and

2) the ethical behavioral development pattern was conducted through the establishment of developing ethical behavior project including building learning process of ethical foundations that creates understanding (Pariyatti) and conducting activities by the personnel under the guideline of moral foundations to create a believe that one respects as well as process in self-analyzing to review, realize and stress the important in one’s ethical behavior. This is to create new pattern of ethical behavioral practices that can be taught and conducted from one’s capability and opportunity of personnel in Phra Pariyattidhamma Schools.

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How to Cite
Srijan, P. C. . (2021). The Current, Desired and Need status Development pattern of Ethical Behavior of Personnel in General Buddhist Scripture Schools by Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn in Sisaket Province. Journal of Graduate Saket Review, 6(2), 68–82. retrieved from
Research Article



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