Emotional development according to Buddhist psychology in society new normal

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Phramaha Nipitpon Chirawatthano


The objective of this article is to study the emotional development according to the Buddhist psychology in society, a new normal. It was found that the coronavirus 2019 outbreak  (Covid-19) has greatly changed the way of life of human society. Under the measures to prevent epidemic disease Recruiting ways to survive has resulted in many changes in the behavior of people in society. Until becoming a new way of life, New Normal, which this new normal consists of thinking, how to learn, how to communicate, affect the emotional state of oneself and other people or things. In this situation, most of the emotions that arise are negative emotions such as feeling disappointed, frustrated, depressed, frustrated, frustrated, which will affect the state of mind. And social expression Adapting to a new normal in society, it is necessary to develop a person's mood to be able to accept a new lifestyle. Based on Buddhist psychology principles It is a tool for emotional and mental development. The principles of emotional development according to the Buddhist psychology in a new normal are summarized in 3 ways: 1. The use of mindfulness to control emotions all the time according to the reality according to their particular state. Knowing your emotions Will be the basis for emotional regulation To express themselves appropriately 2. The use of intelligence is to develop oneself to have intelligence as the core of emotions, such as the development of cognition, correct opinions. Contribute to life and society And knowledge and understanding according to its state and 3. The use of Yonisomanasikarn principle is to think of the cause Search to the source Continued throughout the line, distinguishing it according to the state without taking his own desires to capture It is an emotional development by thinking like a woman to find the root cause.

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How to Cite
Chirawatthano, P. N. . (2021). Emotional development according to Buddhist psychology in society new normal. Journal of Graduate Saket Review, 6(2), 1–11. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/saketreview/article/view/253965
Academic Article


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