The Development of The Five Kandhas in Anattalakkhanasutta

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Phrakhruphalad Sommai Attasiddho


This thematic paper was a qualitative research that contained two main purposes: (1) to study the structure of five aggregates (pañcakhandha) in Anattalakkhana Sutta, and (2) to study analytically the development of five aggregates in Anattalakkhana Sutta. It was a documentary research with the content analysis as seen in Anattalakkhana Sutta.

           This research study was found that the divided structure of Anattalakkhana Sutta contained a method of the sermon delivery. It stressed on the important steps of all elements of five aggregates called Anatta. It helped a person to understand it easily with the practical method in five aggregates, i.e. life without the attraction to the component things. When there was the doubtfulness, the Buddha allowed people to participate in the question-answer activities until five ascetics lived without doubtfulness and clear comprehension. At the end, all five ascetics attained the enlightenment in time.     

           The content in Anattalakkhana Sutta was five aggregates, especially “Anatta” as the major content in this Sutta. When it was studied clearly, it could bring a person to the main target in Buddhism.

           The Buddhist principles for the development of five aggregates were practiced by five ascetics in a way of Threefold Training as they really were until those five ascetics attained the highest purposes according to the developing process in Buddhism. Thus, those ascetics were the noble Arahant because they were absolutely free from the attachment

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How to Cite
Attasiddho, P. S. (2021). The Development of The Five Kandhas in Anattalakkhanasutta. Journal of Graduate Saket Review, 6(1), 41–50. retrieved from
Research Article


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