The Ways to Treat With Sense-Objects by Character in Theravada Buddhism

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Radtanawadi suriyawanakul


The purpose of this thesis is to study sense-objects, The process of sense-objects and the way to treat with them according to the principles of Concentration Meditation and Insight meditation in Theravada Buddhism. The data for the study are collected from the Tipitaka, Commentaries, Visuddhimagga and other documents. It is found out from the study that the sense-objects are objects or conditioned factors perceived by our mind. The way to treat with the sense-objects is to control our mind according to the principles of sense-restraint dy focusing our mindfulness on eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind  all the time, not letting our mind to be satisfied and unsatisfied with any sense-objects occurred to the doors of perceptions. According to the principles of Concentration Meditation and Insight Meditation, one has to choose a sense-object suitable to his or her character and  concentration  or tie one’s own mind on it until it becomes one pointedness of mind. And then one has to analytically concentrate the sense-object to see the real side of it in order to detach a feeling of me and mine from it.

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How to Cite
suriyawanakul, R. (2021). The Ways to Treat With Sense-Objects by Character in Theravada Buddhism. Journal of Graduate Saket Review, 6(1), 30–40. retrieved from
Academic Article


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