Analyze the social movements of the community, expelling the Thaksin regime from 2005-2014

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winit Pharcharuen


The political movement the range 2005 - 2014 raised the question Theory of Movement Can society be used with Thai society? The purpose of this article is to study the political movement in Thai politics from the People’s Alliance for Democracy (PAD) and the People’s Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) the range 2005-2014 by means of data collection from documents and, Descriptive interpretation and data analysis. Under social structure and analysis of the context or behavior of citizens in political participation The study found that that various political, economic, and social conditions shaped the formation of political ideology of the two political groups to be that of nationalist-conservative, leading to their political will, organizations, and strategies in their movements. External factors that shaped the formation of these political movements included: political crises under the administrations of Thaksin Shinawatra, Somchai Wongsawat, and Yingluck Shinawatra; and the roles of Thai political and economic powers, e.g., political elites, military, judicial system, bureaucracy, economic elites, and people organizations, all of which assembled under the structure of “family network culture.” The political movements led by the two political groups had led to their negation of representative democracy, and also linked to the “deep state.” Consequences of their movements included the 2006 coup, the removals of two prime ministers in 2008, and the 2014 coup. PAD and PDRC’s rejection of representative democracy have undermined the strength of people-based politics and weakened citizens’ basic rights and freedom in the long term.

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How to Cite
Pharcharuen, winit. (2021). Analyze the social movements of the community, expelling the Thaksin regime from 2005-2014. Journal of Graduate Saket Review, 6(1), 10–20. retrieved from
Academic Article


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