Approach of Health Promotion in Buddhism in Accordance with Theravada Buddhist Approach

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Phrakhru Suttaphatthanaphon


This study is a qualitative research with the following objectives: 1) to study Dharma which appears in Theravada Buddhism; 2) to study the health conditions in Buddhism according to the Theravada Buddhist Method; 3) to propose ways to promote health in Buddhism according to Theravada Buddhist guidelines

          The study found that:

          Happiness according to Buddhism is happiness caused by nature, peace, peace of mind, composed of physical and mental health, consisting of physical development (organic development 6), mental development (spiritual prayer) and moral behavior to solve problems in society, to live together, to overcome economic problems and income, behaving for goodness, accuracy both physically and mentally. This is to improve the quality of life to be able to live in a normal society and be able to use the principles of Buddhism in a happy and suitable life for oneself.

          The way to send happiness in accordance with the Theravada Buddhism approach is to improve the quality of life, in which Buddhism solve life problems using a supportive physical approach and good results in life. For the full strength of the body and mind, it can be made by using the principles of the principles as follows: Consciousness 4, Iddhipada 4 in promoting physical development and the mind to have complete strength in all aspects or being free from illness, also developing the quality of life, controlling good behavior in relation to human friends by being in the discipline of developing or practicing oneself to avoid physical and verbal punishment affecting social coexistence. In the mental aspect, it will cause goodness, patience because when experiencing emotional problems, it can control emotions well and will create wisdom, knowledge, ideas to understand problems, can solve various problems with intelligence. The guidelines for promotion of health according to the Theravada Buddhism guidelines were as follows:

  1. Physical development, health care the body is strong, complete and without illness including caring for the external environment for the benefit and other things that are necessary for the happiness of the elderly.

  2. Discipline development, the development of civilization in behavior discipline not persecuting others to live as a precepts when used to behave in order to focus on not hurting both physically and verbally, they can live in a society with good health.

  3. Mental development, mental development to understand the reality of life .When people have a stable mind, they are able to know the factors and live in the right way.

  4. Intellectual development, it is to have knowledge and understanding in all things according to reality, perception of the nature of all things which is the ability to use intelligence to consider the causes of factors that affect, use wisdom, reflect on the principles of morality and ethics and to see the principles of cause and effect.

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How to Cite
-, P. S. (2020). Approach of Health Promotion in Buddhism in Accordance with Theravada Buddhist Approach. Journal of Graduate Saket Review, 5(1), 57–68. retrieved from
Research Article


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