Buddhist Psychology and Widowed women

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Chanchaya Dhammavat


Buddhist psychology is that the integration of western science, psychology and Buddhist principles, to clarify the mental phenomena and mental processes of human beings so that humans perceive the understanding of real life, understanding the nature of man that consists of the body and additionally the mind. Moreover, human will be able to develop the mind, to create wisdom and a better quality of life. The mandatory principles in Buddhism that describe the perceiving of the reality of life is Four Noble Truths that specify the way to understand the suffering, analyse issues that cause suffering, painless and to unravel the matter by itself. This is consistent with important theories of psychology and also accepted from contemporary psychologists that’s Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) that describes the happiness and significant life method whereas we have a tendency to additionally ready to deal with suffering that can’t be avoided. The suffering that ought to be treated psychologically is that the suffering caused by the widowhood of woman which can be caused by divorce or the spouse dies. Additionally, all the widowed women were affected each in their lives and psychological state. The widow's mental development method is also achieved by following the principles of Buddhism within the realm of the Four Noble Truths and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) that each of them share a common achievement to live with happiness in those suffering.

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How to Cite
Dhammavat, C. (2020). Buddhist Psychology and Widowed women. Journal of Graduate Saket Review, 5(1), 20–30. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/saketreview/article/view/248993
Academic Article


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