An application of Buddhist Dharma to promote treatment and reduce the problem for the repeat offenders of the youths addicted drug: A case study of WatNoonsoongwanaram in Khunhan district Sisaket province

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PhraAdhikanSupit Soongjit


This research is aimed  to study. 1) To study for the factors and cause of the offender of the youth addicted drugs of thai society.  2) To study the Buddhist  Dharma to promote treatment and reduce the problem for the offense of the youth addicted of  Sisaket Province . 3) An application of Buddhist Dharma to promote treatment and reduce the problem for the Repeat offenders of the Youths addicted drug : A Case Study of WatNoonsoongwanaram in khunhan District Sisaket Province, there is a way to research the research in the document and of quality collected by the research document field research, in-depth interviews with the subject of 15 monks/ persons , the research has found that 1) factors and the cause of the offender of the youth on drugs in Thai society today from the environment with the changes such as the influence from friends, family problems ,the own problem ,time period of stress values ,on the wrong about the use of drug and other media that results in the current, the main direction of 6 and the main Bloomingdale dating, etc. 2) application the Buddhist principles to promote treatment and reduce the problem for the offense of the youth drugs, to proceeding  to using the main principle  Buddhist to be the role for treatment and reduce the problem for the offense of the youth drugs with cause of ruin; ways of squandering wealth,  directions quarters  and  true friends; true-hearted friends in good omen ((the thirty-eight), the Five Rules of Morality and the five ennobling Virtues., the Four Noble Truths  and virtues for a good household life etc. 3) the main Buddhist application to promote treatment and reduce the problem for the offense of the youth drugs; a case study is , WatNoonsoongwanaram, Noonsoong Sub. District  khunhan District Sisaket Province, by the applying Buddhism principles allowing for the perpetrator bring the Dharma principle to be a reminder of the life in society and Do not return the wrong again.

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How to Cite
Soongjit, P. (2020). An application of Buddhist Dharma to promote treatment and reduce the problem for the repeat offenders of the youths addicted drug: A case study of WatNoonsoongwanaram in Khunhan district Sisaket province. Journal of Graduate Saket Review, 4(2), 48–63. retrieved from
Research Article


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