A Study on Human Developments Following Rule of a Good Household Life in Theravada Buddhist Philosophy

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Phra Thanongchai Apichayo


This thesis serves the purposes: 1) to study human development in Theravada Buddhist Philosophy, 2) to study the rule of a good household life in Theravada Buddhist Philosophy, and 3) to study human development following rule of a good household life in Theravada Buddhist Philosophy. It has been carried out with qualitative research methodology, of which its sources include The Tipitaka, relevant researches and other texts to supplement it.

The results of the research were found that: Development is to flourish and to prosper, both the development of the object and mental development,such as, rural development, country development, development of intelligence and mental development. According to the principles of Buddhism the development must be carried out at the same time.Physical development, moral development or social development, psychological development and the development of intelligence.

Secular Dharma means the Dharma for the secular Dharma for the four princes of the family. The truth is the sincerity and sincerity of each other, is the key to the trust and goodwill towards each other is to control emotions. To restrain the sense of each other's weaknesses, to know how to improve and correct their defects, adjust the habit and harmony to harmonize. The weave together tolerance is not tolerance to heavy and serious, it is necessary to sacrifice their generous sharing through the generous contributions of each other.

Human development based on four secular principles, namely, Sacca, Khanti, Tama and Jaga, aiming at using the general public in the life of the whole household to uphold the basic virtue of mind in order to build good relationships with people who will co-operate or contact each other to the appropriate position, to benefit both their own lives and the lives of others in society.

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How to Cite
Apichayo, P. T. (2020). A Study on Human Developments Following Rule of a Good Household Life in Theravada Buddhist Philosophy. Journal of Graduate Saket Review, 4(2), 42–47. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/saketreview/article/view/248980
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