A Study of Perceived Meaning of Life and Death of the Elderly

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Wanwisa Chaiyo


The purposes of this research are as follows: 1) to study perceived meaning of life and death of the elderly in the philosophical dimension; 2) to study factors of perceived meaning of life and death of the elderly. The research is qualitative research using standard questionnaires and in-depth interviews. The sample size is 15 Thai elderly in Ban San Ton Kok community, Don Kaew sub-district, Sarapee district, Chiang Mai province. The results of the research were analyzed in the philosophical dimension.

                The results of the research reveal that: perceived meaning of life and death of the elderly in the philosophical dimensionis the need for healthy, self-esteem, need for the good and satisfaction. The research results correspond to Hedonism, Existentialism, Idealism and Buddhism. The factors indicate that health, economic status, living conditions and religion related to the perceived meaning of life and death of the elderly. The factors indicate that age, gender,marital status and education are not related to the perceived meaning of life and death of the elderly.

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How to Cite
Chaiyo, W. (2020). A Study of Perceived Meaning of Life and Death of the Elderly . Journal of Graduate Saket Review, 4(1), 35–45. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/saketreview/article/view/248858
Research Article


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