Introduction Qualitative Research

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PhraNitat Wongwangphoem, Dr.


Qualitative research process Is a methodological method that is reliable Which is one form of seeking knowledge Is the research of facts in order to answer the problems set up in a systematic way Observing and examining data sources, systematically collecting data Qualitative research occurs to meet the needs of researchers with a purpose or to study social phenomena, which are unique in nature. Qualitative research does not reject empirical data. And the quantitative methods of research that promoters value But believe that there are methods other than the fundamentalists who have defined them Because the essence of qualitative research Will focus on the phenomenal perspective to give an overview Is a long-term, in-depth study Studies appear to the natural environment. Emphasize factors or variables of consciousness is important and use descriptive and inductive analysis (Induction)

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How to Cite
Wongwangphoem, P. (2021). Introduction Qualitative Research. Journal of Graduate Saket Review, 5(2), 11–18. retrieved from
Academic Article


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