Good Governance for the Leadership in the Globalization: A Buddhist Paradigm

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Uthai Satiman


          The concept of good governance for the present leadership is still concerned with self-governance including 4 attachments by the consideration of goal of interest i.e. individual benefit rather than collective one. On the contrary, Buddhist good governance emphasizes both benefits i.e. temporal and spiritual benefits. The main cause resulting in the failure of good governance is partially derived from a complex society and environment in different levels such as nation, country, society, organization and family.

          The idea of Buddhist good governance regards environment as global responsibility. It is seen that good governance that concerns the management of benefit of stakeholders is main and toughest matter. The weak point of good governance in modern academics is a matter of materialism and utilitarianism and accentuates leadership rather than people by usage of manual law or regulations for taking control of people rather than inner mind, the subtler source of problems.

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How to Cite
satiman, U. (2020). Good Governance for the Leadership in the Globalization: A Buddhist Paradigm. Journal of Graduate Saket Review, 3(2), 1–14. retrieved from
Academic Article


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