An Analytical Concept and the way of Thai Philosophy in Buddhism

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Panya Namsakha


The research which is the quality research based on documentary research and field research is to analyze the concept and practice of Thai philosophy according to Buddhism. It was research found that:Thai philosophy is a Buddhist philosophy because Thai society uses Buddhist principles in daily life from the past to the present which could be concluded into 6 aspects. The 6 aspects are metaphysical, ethics, aesthetics, social and political aspect. However, due to the influence of the teachings in Buddhism, it is in line with the philosophy of Thai the most. The ancestors have adopted the Buddhist philosophy as the development of their philosophical system which is divided into 3 main branches: metaphysics, epistemology, and ethics.Belief, concept, ethics and traditions in Thai philosophy based on Buddhism were found that human belief has evolved from the belief in nature, belief in the nymph, belief in ancestral spirits and belief in many gods. The beliefs found in ancient Thai society to the present are about superstition and astrology. Besides, there is also a Buddhist belief which is the rule of karma, believe in the effects of karma, believe in the fact that living things have their own karma, and believe the enlightenment of the Buddha.

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How to Cite
Namsakha, P. (2020). An Analytical Concept and the way of Thai Philosophy in Buddhism. Journal of Graduate Saket Review, 3(1), 46–56. retrieved from
Research Article


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